
湖南科技学院国际学生管理办法 (试行)
发布人: 发布时间:2024年05月01日 点击次数:2


General Regulations of International Student Management

Hunan University of Science and Engineering


(Trial Implementation)


Chapter One General Provisions

第一条 为规范学校国际学生的招收、培养、管理,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,增进教育对外交流与合作,提高学校教育国际化水平,根据《中华人民共和国教育法》《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》、中华人民共和国教育部令第41号和教育部外交部公安部《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》等法律法规,结合《湖南科技学院学生管理规定》等校内规章制度,制定本办法。

Article 1 In order to standardize the recruitment, cultivation and management of international students of the university, maintain the normal education, teaching and living order of the school, enhance the external educational communication and cooperation, and improve the internationalization level of university, these measures are formulated in accordance with The Education Law of the People's Republic of China, The Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, Order no. 41 of Ministry Education of the People's Republic of China, and other laws and regulations by the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Public Security, and in combination with the Student Management Regulations of Hunan University of Science and Engineering(HUSE).

第二条 本办法适用于我校国际学生,含学历生和非学历生(以下简称国际学生)。本办法所称国际学生,是指根据《中华人民共和国国籍法》不具有中国国籍且在我校接受教育的外国学生。

Article 2 These measures apply to international students in HUSE including students of academic degree and non-academic degree (hereinafter referred to as international students). The international students, as we call it, are foreign students who are not Chinese nationals and are accepting education in HUSE under The Chinese Nationality Law of the People's Republic of China.

第三条 国际学生应当遵守中国法律法规;尊重中国的社会公德和风俗习惯,遵守学校规章制度,完成学校规定的学习任务。

Article 3 International students shall abide by Chinese laws and regulations; respect the social ethics and customs of China, abide by the school rules and regulations, and complete the learning task specified by HUSE.

第二章 校内管理

Chapter 2 School Management

                                                                      第一节 招生管理

Section 1 Enrollment Management

第四条 学校按照国家招生规定,制定和公布国际学生招生简章,并按照招生简章规定的条件和程序招收国际学生。



Article 4 The university should formulate and publicize the international students' recruitment standards in accordance with the national enrollment regulations, and enroll international students in accordance with the conditions and procedures set forth in the enrollment chapter.

The admission of international students will be carried out by examining their enrollment status and economic guarantee certification by the university under relevant regulations. After qualifications examination, the university will finally determine weather to accept students or not according to actual conditions, and students will not be recruited if they do not meet the admission conditions.

The fee items and standards for international students, as well as the withdrawal and transfer fee provisions shall be published and implemented in accordance with relevant national regulations. Fees and refunds are denominated in RMB.

                                                    第二节 日常行为管理

Section 2 Daily Behavior Management

        第五条 学校按照中国有关法律、法规和校内规章制度对国际学生进行教育和管理。

Article 5 The university conducts education and management for international students in accordance with relevant Chinese laws and regulations and rules and regulations of HUSE.

第六条 学校原则上不组织国际学生参加军训和政治性活动,但国际学生应积极参加学校专为国际学生组织的各项活动。

Article 6 The university doesn't organize military training and political activity for international students, but international students should be actively take part in the activities held for them by the university.

第七条 学校允许、鼓励国际学生参加学校学生团体组织举办的文体活动,参加学校学生会组织的一些社团。国际学生经学校批准,可以在校内成立联谊团体,并在中国法律、法规规定的范围内活动,服从学校的领导和管理。

Article 7 The university allows and encourages international students to participate in the cultural and sports activities organized by the university 's student groups, as well as to join in some associations organized by the university 's student union. With the approval of the university, international students may set up fellowship groups in the university and conduct activities within the scope prescribed by Chinese laws and regulations, subjecting to the leadership and management of the university.

第八条  学校尊重国际学生的民族习俗和宗教信仰,但不提供宗教活动场所。校内不允许进行传教、宗教聚会等任何宗教活动。



Article 8 The university respects the national customs and religious beliefs of international students, but does not provide a place for religious activities. Any religious activities, such as preaching, religious gatherings, etc. are not allowed in HUSE.

All religious activities conducted in other places within the territory of China shall comply with The Provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign Religious Activities within the Territory of P.R.C. International students shall truthfully report their religious beliefs to International Education College (including religious belief, membership of religious organizations, intention to engage in religious activities in China, personal religious materials, daily religious activities, etc.).

Religious activities of international students shall not interfere with the normal teaching, studying and living of the teachers and students around them.

第九条 校内严禁饲养宠物;严禁骑乘摩托车、电动车等;严禁酗酒、打架斗殴、赌博、吸毒,严禁传播、复制、贩卖非法书刊和音像制品等违法行为;严禁擅自下河游泳;不得从事或参与有损大学生形象、有损社会公德的活动。违者视情节学校给予相应处分;造成的不良后果,移交中国公安部门和司法部门处理。

Article 9 Keeping pets on campus is strictly prohibited; it is strictly prohibited to ride motorcycle or electric vehicle etc.; it is strictly forbidden to drink excessively, fight, gamble, use or take drugs, spread, copy or sell illegal books, magazines and audiovisual products; it is strictly forbidden to swim in the river; it is not allowed to engage or participate in activities that damage the university's image or social morality. The violator shall be given a corresponding punishment depending on the situation; if any adverse consequences caused, the judging right of the student will be transferred to the Chinese public security and judicial departments.

第十条 对国际学生纪律要求及其他方面的管理参照教育部外交部公安部颁布的《学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法》及《湖南科技学院学生管理规定》相关条款执行。

Article 10 The management of disciplinary requirements and other aspects for international students shall refer to the relevant provisions of the Administrative Measures for Recruiting and Cultivating International Students and the Student Management Regulations of Hunan University of Science and Technology issued by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Public Security.

                   第三节 宿舍管理

Section 3 Dormitory Management

第十一条 国际学生来校后一律在学校安排的宿舍居住。未经批准,在校期间私自租房住宿、在外留宿及晚归者,按《湖南科技学院学生违纪处理办法》相关条款处理。

Article 11 All international students should live in dormitories arranged by the university. Without approval, those who rent rooms, stay outside and return dormitory late during the period in school shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of Measures for Dealing with Student Violations of Disciplinaries of Hunan University of Science and Engineering.

第十二条 国际学生应当遵守学校有关学生宿舍的各项规章制度,不得利用宿舍等场所从事违反中华人民共和国法律法规或学校规章制度的活动。

Article 12 International students should abide by the rules and regulations of the university's dormitories, and they are not allowed to use dormitories or other places for activities that violate the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China or the university's rules and regulations.

第十三条 提倡文明住宿,增强公德意识和法律意识。搞好宿舍内务,保持宿舍干净整洁。

Article 13 We advocate civilized accommodation for international students and raise awareness of public morality and law. International students should keep their dorm rooms clean and tidy.

第十四条 国际学生不得私自换房强占房间,所住房间不得转让、转租。

Article 14 International students should not change rooms or occupy rooms without permission, and the rooms shall not be transferred or sublet.

第十五条 国际学生应保管好宿舍钥匙,严禁转借他人。应当自觉爱护宿舍财产,严禁破坏宿舍设施和用具。设施发生损坏,要及时向值班室报修。故意损坏宿舍内部设施和公共财产者,应照价赔偿和接受相应处罚。

Article 15 International students should keep their dormitory keys safe and strictly prohibit lending them to others. The property of the dormitory shall be taken care of and the facilities and appliances of the dormitory shall not be damaged. Any damage to the facilities should be reported to the duty room in time. Those who intentionally damage the facilities and public property of the dormitory shall compensate according to the price and accept corresponding punishment.

第十六条 国际学生因毕业、结业、退学等原因离校时应交还钥匙,并在三日内退房离校,对超期滞留宿舍者将按相应标准收取费用。国际学生办理完退住手续,室内遗留物品,宿舍管理人员有权处置。

Article 16 International students should return their keys of the dorm and check out within three days when they leave HUSE for reasons such as graduation, completion of studies or dropout etc. Those who stay in the dormitory beyond the time limit will be charged fees according to relevant standards. The management of the dormitory has the right to dispose of the belongings left behind by international students who have completed the check-out procedure.

第十七条 学校和宿舍管理人员因工作需要进入房间时,国际学生应给予配合。

Article 17 International students should cooperate with university and dormitory management staff when they need to enter their dorms.

第十八条 国际学生的来访者必须遵守中国法律、校纪校规及国际学生宿舍管理的各项规定。来访人员应主动到宿舍值班室出示相关证件并登记,会客时间为:下午2:00至晚上10:00。严禁来访者留宿,来访者不得影响他人正常学习和生活。

Article 18 Visitors of international students must abide by Chinese laws, HUSE regulations and rules, and regulations of the management of international students' dormitories. Visitors should initiatively show relevant documents and register in the duty room of the dormitory. The visiting time is from 2:00pm to 10:00pm. Visitors are not allowed to stay for the night, and visitors must not interfere with others’ normal study and life.

第十九条 严格遵守作息时间,保持宿舍安静,不得在宿舍内从事影响他人学习与休息的活动。国际学生应在晚上11点前返回宿舍,否则视为晚归。晚归者须在值班室进行登记,晚归按学校相关规定制度处理。

Article 19 International students should strictly observe the work and bedtime regulated by the university, keep the dormitory quiet and not engage in any activities that affect others' study and rest in the dormitory. International students should return to the dormitory before 11pm, otherwise it will be considered as staying out late. Late returnees shall be registered and recorded in the duty room, and late returnees shall be dealt with according to relevant regulations of the university.

第二十条 严禁违章乱接电源、私拉电线或网线、改装电路、改水表等。

Article 21 It is strictly forbidden to connect the power supply, pull the wire or net line, modify the circuit and change the water meter personally by students themselves.

                                                         第四节 违纪处分管理

Section 4 Punishment

        第二十一条 对有违纪违规行为的国际学生,学校给予批评教育或者纪律处分。纪律处分的种类分为:1. 警告;2. 严重警告;3.记过;4.留校察看;5.开除学籍。所有纪律处分均计入国际学生档案。

Article 21 For international students who violate the rules and regulations, the university will give criticism to educate the student or give punishment according to regulations. The categories of disciplinary action are as following: 1. Warning; 2. Severe warning; 3. A recorded demerit; 4. School detention; 5. Expulsion from academic status. All disciplinary punishment is recorded in the international student files.

第二十二条 处分违纪国际学生的权限、程序:



(三) 处分决定做出后,应出具处分决定书,由国际教育学院会同相关教学学院将处分决定书送国际学生,本人或者其代理人签收;拒绝签字的,由国际教育学院和相关教学学院工作人员(两人及以上)记录在案。

(四) 所有违纪处分均向国际学生本人宣布。

Article 22 Rights and procedures for punishing international students who violate discipline:

(I) Warning, servere warning and demerit punishment shall be investigated and handled by the teaching college, and submitted to International Education College for review and record.

(II) The punishment of detention and expulsion shall be investigated by the teaching college, reviewed by International Education College, and International Education College shall put forward the preliminary treatment opinions, which shall be reviewed and approved by the President's office. The decision on expulsion shall be submitted to the provincial department of education for record at the same time.

(III) After the decision is made, a written decision shall be issued, and the written decision shall be sent to international students by International Education College in conjunction with the relevant teaching college, and signed by the student in person or his/her agent; those who refuse to sign are recorded by the staff of International Education College and two or more staff of relevant teaching college.

(IV) All disciplinary punishment will be announced to the international student.

第二十三条 留校察看期一般为612个月。受留校察看处分的国际学生,在留校察看期间有进步表现者,经学生本人提交书面申请,所在教学学院和国际教育学院认定,可按期解除处分;有立功或显著进步表现者,经国际学生所在教学学院和国际教育学院审核,校长办公会审定可提前解除处分

Article 23 Detention period is generally 6 to 12 months. International students who have made progress during the period of detention may be dismissed as scheduled upon the written application submitted by the students themselves and the confirmation by the teaching college where the student studies and International Education College. For those who have made great achievements or significant progress, the detention can be terminated in advance after the approval of international students' teaching college and International Education College.

第二十四条 国际学生在校期间有下列情形之一,学校可以给予开除学籍处分:














   () 由他人代替考试、替他人参加考试、组织作弊、使用通讯设备作弊及其他作弊行为严重的;

() 违反学校管理规定,严重影响学校教育教学秩序、生活秩序以及公共场所管理秩序,侵害其他个人、组织合法权益,造成严重后果的;

() 屡次违反学校规章制度受到纪律处分,经教育不改的;不服从学校决定安排,无理取闹的。

Article 24 An international student may be expelled from school under any of the following circumstances:

(I) Violating the constitution and laws of China, endangering state security, undermining stability and unity, and disturbing social order;

(II) Violating Chinese law and constituting a criminal offence;

(III) Having one of the following ACTS of violation of discipline and law of a bad nature:

1. Various gambling behaviors;

2. Excessive drinking and causing trouble;

3. Fighting, insulting others' personality and endangering others' personal safety;

4. Storage or use of inflammable, explosive, dangerous or poisonous and harmful materials;

5. Watch and disseminate reactionary and obscene materials;

6. Stealing public or private property; extorting or defrauding another person for property or belongings;

7. Spreading religion and conducting religious gatherings;

8. Conducting behavior that is degrading to the religious beliefs of others;

9.Drugs, prostitution and whoring;

10.Other ACTS prohibited by law.

(IV) Serious ACTS of cheating or plagiarizing in examination, asking others take examination for the student he or she themselves, taking part in the examination for others, organizing cheating, using communication devices and other cheating behaviors;

(V) Violating the university management regulations, seriously affecting the teaching order, living order and public place management order of the school education, and infringing upon the lawful rights and interests of other individuals and organizations, thus causing serious consequences;

(VI) Repeatedly violating the rules and regulations of the university and refusing to change after education; disobeying the universitys arrangement or making trouble unreasonably.

第二十五条 本办法未列入的违纪行为、违纪处理办法、学生申诉处理参照《湖南科技学院学生管理规定》及《湖南科技学院学生违纪处理办法》执行。国际学生的违纪情况,学校有权通知国际学生的父母,以及该生所在国家的大使馆或其它机构。

   Article 25 Other prohibited behaviors, disciplinary handling methods and Students Complaint Handling Methods not included in these measures shall be handled with reference to Student Management Regulations of Hunan University of Science and Engineering and Measures for Handling Student Discipline Violations of Hunan University of Science and Engineering. The university has the right to inform the parents of the international students and the embassies or other organizations in the country where the students are located.

                                                                     第五节 奖学金

Section 5 Scholarship

第二十六条 国际学生可以申请中国政府为接收中国高等教育的国际学生设立的中国政府奖学金,以及湖南省人民政府设立的一带一路语言生奖学金。

Article 26 International students may apply for Chinese government scholarship established by the Chinese government for international students receiving higher education and the "One Belt and One Road" Language Scholarship established by the people's government of Hunan province.

第二十七条 湖南科技学院为学业成绩优秀、遵纪守法、表现优良的国际学历生设立校内奖学金。校内奖学金评定办法,由国际教育学院会同学校相关部门制定,经校长办公会审定后实施。

Article 27 Hunan University of Science and Engineering shall establish internal scholarship for international students with excellent academic performance, abiding by the law and performing well. The university scholarship evaluation method shall be formulated by International Education College together with the relevant departments of the university and implemented after being approved by the Presidents’ Meeting.

第三章 教学管理

Chapter 3 Teaching Management

第一节 入学与注册

               Section 1 Admission and Registration

第二十八条 新生持录取通知书、外国留学人员来华签证申请表(JW202表)、外国人体格检查记录等相关材料,按学校有关要求到国际教育学院办理入学及注册手续。因故不能按期入学者,应向学校请假,延期入学时间最长为两周。未请假或者请假逾期者,除因不可抗力等正当事由以外,视为放弃入学资格。

Article 28 According to the relevant requirements of the university, freshmen shall go to International Education College for enrollment and registration with Admission Notice, Visa Application Form (JW202 Form), Foreigners' Medical Examination Records and other relevant materials. If a student fails to enroll as scheduled, he/she should ask for leave from the university. Those who fail to ask for leave or whose leave is overdue for two weeks shall be deemed to have waived the admission qualification except for legitimate reasons such as force majeure.

第二十九条 新生入学后,学校按相关规定对国际学生健康状况进行检查,身体健康者予以注册。身体不健康者,学校将区别情况,予以处理,直至取消入学资格。患有精神疾病、传染疾病和其它不在保险公司保障范围内疾病的国际学生,学校按规定取消其入学资格。凡属弄虚作假、徇私舞弊取得学籍者,一经查实,取消学籍。

Article 29 After the enrollment of new international students, university shall check the health status in accordance with relevant regulations and register those who are in good health. In the case of a person who is physically unfit, university will take measures according to specific situation until the student is disqualified. For international students suffering from mental illnesses, infectious diseases and other diseases not covered by the insurance, the university is required to disqualify them. Anyone who has obtained the student status through fraud or favoritism shall be cancelled the student status after verification.

第三十条 每学期开学时,国际学生应在开学两周内缴清学费、住宿费和保险费等费用,由本人到教务处办理注册手续,国际教育学院协助学生办理居留许可,并在全国来华留学管理信息系统给国际学生进行注册。国际学生不能如期注册者,应当以书面的方式说明情况。未缴纳上述费用或者其他不符合注册条件的不予注册和延长签证。

Article 30 At the beginning of each semester, international students should pay their tuition, accommodation, and insurance fees within two weeks of the start of the semester. They should go to the Teaching Affairs Division to complete the registration procedures themselves. The International Education College assists students in obtaining residence permits and registers international students with the National Management Information System for International Students in China. International students who fail to register on time shall state the situation in writing. Those who fail to pay the above fees or in other conditions that do not meet the registration requirements will not be registered and the visa will not be extended.

第二节 学习年限与课程修读

                Section 2 Duration of Schooling and Course

第三十一条 国际学生教育分为学历教育和非学历教育。接受学历教育的为本科生;接受非学历教育的为语言预科生、进修生。

(一) 学历教育类别及实施要求




Article 31 International students’ education is divided into academic education and non-academic education. Those who accept academic education are undergraduates; Those who accept non-academic education are pre-language students and advanced learning students.

(I) Academic education category and implementation requirements

Undergraduate: period of schooling is 4-6 years. The university shall issue academic degree certificates or other school certificates to international students in accordance with relevant regulations of the Chinese government and relevant regulations on teaching management. For international students receiving higher education, the university shall promptly apply for electronic registration of their student status and academic certificates. Degree certificates are issued to international students who meet the requirements for degree awarding.

(II) Categories and implementation requirements of non-academic education:

Non-academic education: learning period is generally 3 to 12 months (can be appropriately extended). In accordance with the relevant regulations of the university, student shall obtain the corresponding certificate of study or certificate of completion after the study period.

第三十二条 学校将国际学生教学计划纳入学校总体教学计划,选派适合国际学生教学的师资,建立健全教育教学质量保障制度。

Article 32 The university shall incorporate the international students' teaching plan into the overall teaching plan of the university, select teachers suitable for international students' teaching and establish a sound education teaching quality assurance system.

第三十三条  国际学生应当按照学校的课程安排和教学计划参加课程学习,并按照规定参加相应的毕业考试、毕业设计或者考核。学校如实记录其学习成绩和日常表现。

Article 33 International students shall take part in the course study according to the university's course arrangement and teaching plan, and shall, in accordance with the regulations, take the corresponding graduation examination, graduation design or assessment. The university shall truthfully record their academic performance and daily performance.


Courses about China's general situation such as Chinese language, Chinese culture, Chinese history and geography etc. are required for academic degree education; political theory is a required course for international students majoring in philosophy and political science.

第三十四条 国际学生入学后,经学生申请、学校批准,可以转专业。转专业条件和程序按学校相关规定执行。

Article 34 International students may transfer to another major upon application by the students and approval by the university. The conditions and procedures for transferring major will be executed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the university.

第三十五条 中华人民共和国通用语言文字——汉语为培养国际学生的基本教学语言文字。对汉语水平达不到学习要求的国际学生,学校可以提供必要的补习条件。学历教育国际学生汉语至少应达到汉语水平考试四级以上方可进入专业学习。

Article 35 The common language of the People's Republic of China -- Chinese is the basic teaching language for cultivating international students. The university may provide necessary remedial conditions for international students whose Chinese level does not meet the learning requirements. International students of academic degree education are required to reach at least HSK 4 before entering the major.

第三十六条 学校授课语言主要是汉语,具备条件的教学学院,少数课程可以用英语或英汉双语为国际学生进行专业课程的教学。国际学生学位论文(设计)用汉语撰写,论文摘要应为英语;学位论文(设计)答辩使用汉语。

Article 36 The teaching language of the university is mainly Chinese, and the qualified teaching colleges can teach a few courses in English or English and Chinese for international students. The dissertation (design) of international students is written in Chinese and the abstract should be English. Dissertation (design) defense should be in Chinese.

  第三十七条 国际学生参加的教学实习和社会实践活动,在选择实习或实践活动地点时,应当遵守学校有关规定。

   Article 37 International students who participate in teaching internship and social practice shall abide by the relevant regulations of the university when choosing the place of internship or practice.

第三节 课程考核与成绩记载

Section 3 Course Assessment and Transcript

第三十八条 国际学生应当参加学校教育教学计划实施的课程和相关教育教学环节(以下统称课程)的考核。课程考核成绩记入成绩册,并归入个人档案。

Article 38 International students shall participate in the examination of the courses implemented in the education teaching plan of the university and relevant education teaching links (hereinafter referred to as the courses). Test scores are recorded on a grade book and put in a personal file.

第三十九条  考核分为考试和考查两种,考核合格获得该门课程学分。

Article 39 The evaluation can be divided into two types: examination and assessment. Students passing the examination or assessment will obtain the course credits.

第四十条 国际学生因病或其他特殊原因可申请缓考,经所在教学学院审核后报国际教育学院审批,报教务处备案,缓考成绩按正常期末考试成绩记载,平时成绩由该课程的任课教师评定,记入总成绩。国际学生无故旷考,该门课程成绩按零分记载。

Article 40 International students may apply for postponement of examination due to illness or other special reasons, and after the application being examined by the teaching school, the application shall be submitted to International Education College for approval and filed with the Teaching Affairs Division for record. The postponed examination results shall be recorded according to the normal final examination results, and the score of usual performance shall be assessed by the teacher of the course and recorded into the total scores. For international students abandoning the exam without any reason, the score of the course is recorded at zero.

第四十一条 国际学生可以申请辅修其他专业或者选修其他专业课程,并按照学校有关规定另行缴费。

Article 41 Additional payment is required for students to apply for another specialty as a minor or study some courses of other majors according to relevant regulations of the university.

第四十二条 国际学生违反考试(考查)纪律,按照《湖南科技学院学生考试违规处理办法》处理。

Article 42 Students, who break the disciplines of assessment, will be punished according to Regulations on Exam Violation of Hunan University of Science and Engineering.

第四十三条  凡重修、缓考的国际学生须按照学校相关办法参加课程考核。

Article 43 Students, who repeat the course and resit for the exam, must do as how the relevant measures of the university requires.


 Section 4 Attendance

第四十四条 自开学第一天起开始考勤。国际学生上课、实验、实习、设计、考试、集体活动,均实行考勤。因故不能参加者,必须请假。凡未请假或请假未准,以及假期已满未续假或续假未准而缺席者,均以旷课论处。

Article 44 From the beginning of each semester, students’ attendance of the class, experiment, intern, exam and activities organized by the university will be checked and recorded. Asking for leave is required for the absence. Absence without leaving permission, or absence without renewing leave or extending leave, is regarded as being truant.

第四十五条 国际学生在节假日须按学校规定的时间离校和返校。因故需提前离校或推迟返校者,须经所在教学学院批准,并报国际教育学院备案。擅自提前离校或推迟返校者,均以旷课论处;国际学生外出,离开永州市区(含节假日时间),须提前向所在教学学院和国际教育学院办理请假手续,并告知去向、返校时间及联系电话,未经许可擅自外出者,视情节轻重给予警告以上处分。

Article 45 International students are required to leave or return to the university as it is scheduled. Those who need to leave earlier or return later for some reasons must be approved by the teaching college and report to International Education College, or the absence is considered as truancy. Students, who depart from Yongzhou (holiday included), must ask for leave from the teaching college and International Education College, and report their destinations, return time and telephone numbers in advance. Students, who are absent from school without permission, will receive the punishment of warning or above according to the seriousness of the case.

第四十六条 国际学生需请假者,按以下程序审批:

(一)请假1-3天,由班主任审核签字后报所在教学学院领导批准,并向国际教育学院报备;请假4-7天,须由班主任签字后报所在教学学院领导、国际教育学院领导审核签字;请假8-30天,须由班主任签字后报所在教学学院领导、国际教育学院领导审核签字, 分管校长审批。因病请假,需提供医院诊断证明或病假条,无医院诊断书或病假条,未经批准擅自缺课者,按旷课论处。

   (二) 请假单须加盖所在院公章,请假单存根及相关材料存各所在教学学院备查。


Article 46 Students must go through the following formalities to ask for leave.

(I) For 1-3 days, students should submit the written request, which shall be signed by the head teacher, then be approved by the leader of the teaching college, and be reported to International Education College; for 4-7 days, it should be signed by the head teacher, then be approved by the leader of the teaching college and International Education College; for 8-30 days, it should be signed by the head teacher, then be approved by the leader of the teaching college, International Education College, and president who is in charge of international students. Sick-leave requires a personal note or hospital proof. If these requirements are not met, it will be regarded as truancy.

  (II) The note needs to be stamped with the official seal and kept for future record and check.

(III) Students who cannot go on study due to a health problem (sick-leave is longer than one month) should apply to the university for suspension and return to their countries for medical treatment. They can apply for resumption upon recovery with the diagnosis certificate from the university designated hospital.

第四十七条 课程考核期间一般不准请事假,重、急病者请假须有校医院证明。

Article 47 During the course assessment period, it is generally not allowed to take personal leave, and those with serious or urgent illnesses must have a certificate from the university hospital to take leave.

第四十八条 擅自缺课者,以旷课论处。国际学生旷课一天按实际学时数计,实习等实践性教学环节旷课一天按5学时计。


Article 48 Absence from class without leaving permission will be regarded as playing truant. International students are absent from class on a day according to the actual number of teaching periods, from internship and other practical teaching process on a day according to 5 teaching periods.

After registration, the student, who plays truant according to the amount of absenteeism., will receive disciplinary warning or expulsion according to teaching management regulations of the university.

第五节 休学与复学

Section 5 Suspend and Resume Schooling

第四十九条 国际学生可以分阶段完成学业。学历生在校最长学习年限(含休学)为六年。

Article 49 International students can complete their studies in stages. The maximum length of schooling for academic-degree students (including suspension) is six years.

第五十条 国际学生申请休学或者按要求应当休学者,由所在教学学院和国际教育学院批准,国际教育学院负责在全国来华留学管理信息系统对其进行学籍异动,教务处负责在教务管理系统对其进行学籍异动。国际学生休学一般以一学年为期限,特殊情况经批准可以续休,累计休学年限不得超过两年。

Article 50 International students who apply for suspension or should be suspended as required shall be approved by the teaching college and International Education College. International Education College shall be responsible for changing their status in National Information Management System of International Students in China, and Teaching Affairs Division shall be responsible for changing their status in the Teaching Management System. Generally, the suspension is ratified for one academic year. Under special circumstances, the suspension can be extended, but the overall period can not be over 2 years.

第五十一条  休学国际学生应当办理休学手续并离校,学校保留其学籍。休学期间,不享受在校国际学生待遇。

Article 51 Formality needs to be completed for international students to get the suspension. In suspension, international student’s status shall be retained but international student’s benefits cannot be given.

第五十二条  休学期满,应于学期开学一周内向学校提出复学申请,由所在教学学院和国际教育学院批准。国际教育学院在全国来华留学管理信息系统做学籍异动,报教务处在教务管理系统进行学籍异动,方可复学。

Article 52 Upon the expiration of the suspension, students should apply to the university within one week after the semester begins. The application shall be approved by the teaching college and International Education College. The students shall resume schooling only if their status changes in National Management Information System for International Students in China and in Teaching Management System.

第六节 退

Section 6 Withdraw from School

第五十三条 国际学生有下列情形之一,予以退学:

(一) 在校最长年限内(含休学)未完成学业的;

(二) 休学期满两周内未提出复学申请或者申请复学经审查不合格的;

(三) 经学校指定医院诊断,患有精神疾病、传染疾病和其它不在保险公司保障范围内疾病或者意外伤残无法继续在校学习的;

(四) 经批准连续两周未参加学校规定的教学活动的

(五) 每学期开学两周内未来校注册且无正当事由的;

(六) 学校规定的不能完成学业的应予退学的其他情形


Article 53 If one of the following cases occurs, the student will be advised to withdraw from school

(I) Students unable to complete their study within the maximum of schooling (including suspension);

(II) No application has been made within the two weeks after the end of the suspension of schooling or students disqualified to resume schooling;

(III) Students, who suffer from psychosis, infection and other diseases not in insurance coverage, and who is unable to finish their study due to accidental disability;

(VI) Failure to participate in the university's designated teaching activities for two consecutive weeks without approval;

(V) Students who do not register for the university unreasonably within two weeks after new semester begins;

(VI) Other situations where students are unable to complete their studies and should be dropped out according to university regulations.

Students, who withdraw from univeristy, should depart from China within the date stipulated by the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Yongzhou Public Security Bureau.

第四章 社会管理

Chapter 4 Social Management

五十四  外国人申请到我校学习的,应当在入境前根据其学习期限向中国驻其国籍国或居住地国使领馆或外交部委托的其他驻外机构申请办理X1字或X2字签证,并按规定提交经教育主管部门备案的证明和学校出具的录取通知书等相关材料。

Article 54 Foreigners who apply to study in our university, shall apply for visa X1 or X2 in Chinese Embassy or Consulate in the country of their nationality or residence or other overseas agencies entrusted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and submit relevant materials such as the certificate filed by education authorities and the admission notice issued by the university as required.

五十五  国际学生所持学习类签证注明入境后需要办理居留证件的,应当自入境之日起三十日内,向永州市公安局出入境管理部门申请办理学习类外国人居留证件。由学校国际教育学院告知国际学生居留许可和临时住宿登记的具体流程和办理所需要提供的材料,并协助其办理。

Article 55 International students with study visas need to apply for residence certificates in the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Yongzhou Public Security Bureau within 30 days from the date of entry. International Education College inform international students of the residence permit and temporary residence registration’ specific procedures and required materials, and provide assistant in the process.

五十六  国际学生入学时应当按照中国卫生行政部门的规定到中国卫生检疫部门办理外国人体格检查记录确认手续或者进行体检。经体检确认患有《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》规定的严重精神障碍、传染性肺结核病或者有可能对公共卫生造成重大危害的其他传染病的,由公安部门依法处理。

Article 56 International students at the time of enrollment should conduct the confirmation of Foreigners' Medical Examination Records or take the physical examination in accordance with the provisions of Chinese government-appointed health and quarantine department. Those who have been confirmed to be suffering from serious mental disorders, infectious tuberculosis, or other infectious diseases that are likely to cause great harm to public health, as prescribed in the Law of the People's Republic of China on the administration of exit and entry, shall be dealt with by the Public Security Department according to law.

五十七  学校实行国际学生全员保险制度。国际学生必须按照中国有关规定和学校要求投保。对未按照规定购买保险的,应限期投保,逾期不投保的,学校不予录取;对于已在学校学习的,予以退学或不予注册。

Article 57 The university implements the international student’ total insurance system. International students must be insured in accordance with Chinese regulations and school requirements. Those who do not have insurance should purchase within specified time according to the regulations. Those who fails to extend after the time limit will not be admitted. Those who have already studied in the university will be dismissed or not registered.

   第五十八条 国际学生未经中国政府主管机关许可不得在中国就业。对未经中华人民共和国人力资源和社会保障部批准或者其授权批准,自谋职业的国际学生,在终止其任职或者就业的同时,可以依据公安部门的处罚规定进行处罚,情节严重的,并责令限期出境。

Article 58 International students can not be employed in China without the permission of Chinese government. Those who seek employment by themselves, without the approval or with the authorization of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the People's Republic of China, shall be punished according to the penalty provisions of Public Security Departmen and at the same time be given termination of their post or employment. The student shall be ordered to leave China within a time limit if the circumstances are serious.

第五章 附则

Chapter 5 Supplementary Provisions

五十九 本办法自公布之日起实行,未尽事宜参照学校相关规章制度执行。

Article 59 The regulations goes into effect as soon as it is publicly announced. Matters not covered herein shall be subject to the relevant rules and regulations of the university.

六十 本办法由湖南科技学院国际教育学院和教务处负责解释。

Article 60 The power of interpretation of this regulation shall be vested in International Education College and Teaching Affairs Division at HUSE.
